Christianity beyond my back yard...
God is moving all around us. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true throughout the world. Student Ministries at St. Francis wants young people to see that the gospel is the hope, not just of Sanford, but of the entire world. In the coming months, we plan to have conversations with Christians from Kenya, Palestine, Nepal, and India. ​
Our hope is to learn of the ways that God is working throughout the world. In doing so, we learn to share in the joy of the Gospel with Christ's diverse body.
We believe that the two greatest ways to form life-long followers of Jesus are mission and community. As Jesus told his disciples, "You shall be my witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth...", St. Francis sees mission beginning within our own community--meeting the needs of our friends and neighbors--with an eye to going to the ends of the earth. When we are in mission, we understand that two things inevitably occur. First, we see that Jesus is already at work in the world and He invites us to join Him. Second, we see that the strongest communities are formed by doing mission together.
Come join us and see how God is at work throughout the world.